I have CDO.
It's kind of like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order, the way they should be. (Yes, I stole this shamelessly)
My wife says that she understands me better by watching Big Bang Theory (actually, she said if Sheldon and Bones ever had a child, it would be me). I don't have the "clean and orderly" OCD that some people (who likely are just neat freaks and don't really understand OCD) claim. But I do have endless compulsions and idiosyncrasies, some of which take some getting used to and create inconveniences for my family and some of which are hidden from the world.
Where am I going with this post? (No, that is not a rhetorical question, it is just a self-reminder that I never intended to write anything original in this post, then decided I would provide a brief explanation of why I was sharing...) Oh, yeah, math/science nerds such as myself can relate on some of these "quirks" (many of which I think we all start off with and some outgrow) and it makes me feel a little less alone to see (Sheldon) or read (Randall) them.
Not sure how many will relate, but who would read this if they didn't?
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